Pauline Hanson has released One Nation’s immigration policy.
Immigration, Population and Social Cohesion Policy 1998
Since British colonial settlement in 1788 the Australian continent has had continuous population growth initially fuelled by immigration. Migration began through the desperate need of the British Government to find a dumping ground for convicts who, together with the military and a few free settlers, faced the problems of carving out a life in the harsh environment of the Colony of New South Wales.
No immigration philosophy existed in these early days of European settlement, migration mainly being influenced by events such as the gold rushes.
Between 1881 and 1888, because of the very real fear of large scale Chinese immigration and of the consequent availability of cheap labour, the union movement called for restrictions on Chinese immigration. In response, the colonies enacted such legislation, which reflected the mood of the times. Indeed, in 1882 the Congress in America similarly passed their Chinese Exclusion Act.
By the early post-federation period, the implementation of economic protection provided the basis for Australian nation building; premised upon the conviction that national economic protection would provide the basis for both fair wages and for labour and business profitability. Business profitability would be secured by protection from cheap imported goods and the living standards of Australian workers would be protected by preventing the entry of cheap foreign labour. In this context, the Immigration Restriction Act was one of the first pieces of legislation to be passed by the new Australian Government in 1901.
Following the Second World War, the idea that a small population added to Australia’s vulnerability, together with the imperative for accelerated economic development, led to the introduction of a massive immigration program. Although it initially relied upon migrants from Europe, by the 1980’s immigrations policy had been reorientated towards Asia. This development reflected the end of the post-war economic boom, a growing sense of economic uncertainty, a loss of confidence in the ability of national governments to manage their economies, and the growing influence of global-market interests. During the 1980s and 1990s, under the influence of free-market doctrines, and the belief that global markets ought take precedence over national interests, integration with Asia was promoted by elites as a key economic and social goal for Australian society. Immigration numbers reached new heights. To economic, political and itellectual elites, immigration had become central to a perspective which holds that inherited Australian institutions, culture and identity are outmoded and expendable obstacles to the establishment of a borderless world.
After 200 years of uncritical acceptance of the twin policies of population growth and immigration we approach the 21st century where times and circumstances have changed.
It is now critical to develop a population policy for Australia in order to decide immigration numbers rationally and in the best interest of Australians. The immigration policies of the major political parties during the 1980s and 1990s have proven disastrous, proceeding as if there was no balance of payments problem, no foreign debt and no geographical or environmental constraints to population growth. If continued, such immigration policy will irreversibly alter the natural and urban environments, economic viability as well and undermining the maintenance and further development of a unique and valuable Australian identity and culture.
We believe accurate demographics are a pre-condition to sensible debate and that the implementation of all government policies, including immigration, should be costed. The extent of all immigration costs, social, environmental and economic must be tabled.
Australia’s current immigration policy contains no such costing and suffers from lack of justification. The arguments used in previous eras to justify immigration:populate or perish, defence, for economic benefits and for the prevention of the burden of an ageing population, are clearly wrong and have been rejected. One can only speculate why the program continues today.
The policy of immigration requires a process of balance- on one hand concern for the individual migrant, and on the other concern for the host country and its people who will be accepting, supporting and providing a new home for that immigrant. Unfortunately most of the media and government concern has been for the migrant, not for the other side of the equation. As Australia accepts migrants, migrants should also accept, recognise and value the opportunites Australia, her people, her environment, her institutions and democratic system of government extend to them.
We believe mass immigration is a concept whose time has passed. Only five countries in the world now have official immigration programs. ONE NATION wishes to see our current policy replaced by a program where an annual quota could be set to match the number of permanent departures each year, that is up to a zero net immigration program. This is not a zero immigration program as it would admit in order of 30 000 migrants per annum. Our policy is similar in numbers to the policies of the Democrats and the Australian Conservation Foundation and would be supported by the majority of Australian people. The justification for our policy of not exceeding zero net immigration is that: environmentally Australia is near her carrying capacity, economically immigration is unsustainable and socially, if continued as is, will lead to an ethnically divided Australia. Current policy is encouraging large numbers of illegal migrants and it is time Australia, while recognising the contribution made by migrants in the past, sends to the world the message that mass immigration has passed its use by date.
Principle One – Population Policy
A population policy must underwrite any immigration policy for Australia.
‘Merely maximising the population is hardly a worthy goal for humanity’ (Nathan Keyfitz, respected American demographer, 1972)
A population policy considers the interrelationship between population, the environment, resource usage and carrying capacity, the economy and quality of life. In other words, it asks how many people can live in Australia, at what standard of living, and with what environmental impact. A population policy must be the result of unbiased scientific thinking and not be high jacked by the self-interests of pro-immigration elites.
Immigration mistakes are big mistakes, they do not go away and only get bigger. Currently, immigration policy is being conducted without a population policy. It continues under pressure from the ethnic lobby, big business and the housing industry all of which see profits in population growth. The churches as well as other misguided humanitarians add to this pressure. The only other beneficiaries are new migrants themselves. An immigration program framed within an explicit, rational population policy would enable the Australian people to place their trust in such a program, rather than endure the current situation. Under the present system many Australians have well grounded fears that the situation is open-ended, out of control and subject to political manipulation.
Even if other nations are not prepared to control their population growth, Australians are under no obligation to increase theirs, nor lower their quality of life in order to match or assist the irresponsible policies of other nations.
The report titled, Australia’s Population Carrying Capacity, 1994, compiled by the House Of Representatives Standing Committee, concluded with four options, each with a different scenario. These scenarios varied from populations of 5 to 50 million depending on immigration numbers and the quality of life and standard of living Australians would accept. The larger our population the lower will be our quality of life and standard of living. The Australian people must be consulted on what standard of living they expect as this benchmark would underwrite any population policy. A consensus seems to have arisen that a population of 23 million would be an acceptable compromise but on current demographics our population will exceed 23 million even if immigration is cut to zero net immediately.
Official immigration figures exclude many categories in which people come to live permanently in Australia. Such excluded categories include illegal migrants, some change-of-status migrants, many New Zealanders and the tens of thousands of foreign nationals with renewable four year visas. The number of people intending to permanently settle in Australia is much greater than official immigration figures. The intention of such division of categories is to deliberately mislead the public.
ONE NATION feels that there is no justification for population growth in Australia. However, the Liberal and Labor Parties presume that population growth is beneficial and necessary.
Principle Two: The Government’s Responsibility is to its Own Citizens.
A government’s responsibility surely is to protect its people’s welfare, security, environment, economy and standard of living. Our Government’s responsibility should not be to intending migrants over and above its responsibility to current and future generations of Australians. ONE NATION believes it is the Australian government’s responsibility to pass onto future generations of Australians a country to be cherished, enjoyed, and free from the problems of over population and ever growing massive foreign debt.
Previous governments have acted inappropriately through a confused responsibility to other nations. ONE NATION believes international obligations can be expressed through appropriate foreign aid to those most in need.
Principle Three: Australians are the Caretakers of the World’s Oldest, Driest, Least Fertile Landmass.
In the face of environmental degradation in Australia we should be proceeding slowly with population growth because growth will only exacerbate current environmental problems. The next generation has the right to inherit a country in a better environmental condition than the preceding era.
Principle Four: Opposition to mass immigration should not be misinterpreted as being an anti-migrant philosophy. One Nation’s disagreement is with government policy.
Principle Five: Freedom of speech should be extended to all discussions on immigration and multicultural policies and the cry of ‘racism’ should not be used to silence debate or to promote violence against those who wish to debate these issues.
Principle Six: Australians, like other peoples of the world, have the right to maintain their unique identity and culture.
It is never immoral to want to retain one’s own independence and identity. Those who say that it is, simply will not realise the existence and importance of Australian culture to our people. However when it comes to Third World peoples, culture is suddenly of the greatest importance.
Principle Seven: Our migrant intake will be non-discriminatory on condition that the numbers do not significantly alter the ethnic and cultural make up of the country.
Principle Eight: English is the official language of Australia and government policy will encourage widespread use of English within all communities and in all the institutions of the land.
Principle Nine: Compassion must be extended to genuine refugees but temporary refuge need not extend to long-term permanent settlement in Australia.
Principle Ten: The Government institutionalised, publicly funded policy of Multiculturalism is not in the best interests of migrants, nor of Australia, and will be abolished.
Principle Eleven: No person other than an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident of the Australian community, has a basic right to enter Australia.
Principle Twelve: Any person entering Australia for a period in excess of 6 months must pass both health and character screening.
Principle Thirteen: One Nation has a vision for Australia as a proud, independent, self sustaining, sovereign nation.
Reasons for policy
1. Environmental constraints
Attention must be paid to the ability of the environment to sustain a population for ever.
Australia, the world’s oldest driest continent, suffers severe soil degredation and climatic uncertainty. It is a land of ‘droughts and flooding rains’, and already faces declining agricultural productivity. Only 10% of our huge land mass is arable and this land produces less grain per annum than two small states in the USA. The reality is that Australia always will be a small food producer by international standards, but agricultural export income is essential for this country. With the doubling of our population presumably we double consumption of foods produced here and consequently have less for export income.
Australia has a reponsibility to protect its bio-diversity and not allow its flora and fauna to be ousted from their habitats to extinction because of population or economic pressures. In comparison, the pro-immigration lobby feel we have no moral right to this land unless we push development beyond the limit. Our population must be stabilised as population growth will need to be stabilised elsewhere in the world.
Current government propaganda states that more environmental damage occurred in Australia during the early days of settlement with a small population than in present times. This is untrue. More degradation has occurred in Australia in the last fifty years- the years of high population growth, high economic growth, and increasing trade- than in the previous 150 years. Over half that destruction has occurred in the last 25 years…. (AGM of the Australian Academy of Science, Canberra 1995)
As the world’s driest continent, constant reliable water supply is one of our major problems. Australia is a country that not only experiences low rainfall and high evaporation rates but which also lacks any permanent snow fields. The water flow of all Australian rivers together do not make up the flow of a minor tributary of the Amazon. Our major river system is the Murray-Darling Basin. Its basin carries half of Australia’s sheep, crop land and orchards plus a quarter of its beef and dairy herds and is now under great threat from rising salinity. Due to irrigation and urban demand our current population is using 2/3 of river flows and straining supply to the limits.
Our major cities have grown beyond their optimum size. Pollution, sewage disposal, increasing traffic, urban sprawl, failing community services, high crime rates and a lower quality of life are occurring. These crowded, smog covered cities, with all of the dysfunctional problems of a Los Angeles, are the inevitable consequence of further mass immigration, yet current migration policy will double the size of these cities over the next 30 years. Is this what Australians, new and old, or of any ethnic group want?
The Premier of NSW, Bob Carr was right when he said, ‘the nation can’t handle more people…Sydney is bursting at the seams…the debate ought to be about the carrying capacity of the continent- a continent that has lousy soils, fragile vegetation and depleted and degraded river systems.’
2. Economic cost of immigration
‘It is time we considered the enormous costs of bringing migrants to this country.'(Paul Keating, Maiden speech to Parliament, 1970)
To cope with our massive immigration program which has produced the fastest population growth in the OECD (except for Turkey), we are spending $12 billion per annum. Australia is forced to build the equivalent of a city the size of Geelong, or half a Canberra, with all the required infrastructure and social services just to cope with one year’s migrant intake. Every migrant must be provided with accommodation, food, transport, a job, schools, pensions, hospitals, water, electricity, roads, sewerage, universities and all other basic necessities of modern life. This has been a magor factor in giving Australia one of the highest per capita foreign debts in the world. The pro-immigration Bureau of Immigration and Population Research could not find any economic benefits from our immigration program and concluded that immigration was economically ‘benign.’ This conclusion was biased as the study omitted the inherent enormous infrastructure costs mentioned above.
Currently our foreign debt is $230 billion, with a current account deficit of about $ 2 billion per month, half of which is due to immigration. It is the impact of immigration on our foreign debt that is continually left out of any immigration or economic arguments. Australia can no longer afford to fund all the services underpinning our standing of living which we, as a community, expect- such as standards of medical treatment and hospitals, aged care, education, pension levels, sewage disposal and road provision. Yet current immigration policy will double our population within 50 years while the foreign debt necessitates massive fund cutting to all our community service. We cannot afford to maintain our current infrastructure let alone keep expanding it to cope with population growth!
Australia still relies heavily on export income from mining and agriculture neither of which requires more people. Indeed, due to trade and industry policies, we now rely heavily on imports for consumer goods which are no longer manufactured here, a demand which will increase with a growing population. The costs of mass immigration have not been offset by growth in export income.
3. Unemployment
A country in debt must decrease all spending. This means less jobs and higher unemployment. We now have approx 2 million unemployed with a shameful youth unemployment figure of around 30 per cent. To add 100 000 extra migrants each year is insanity. These people predominantly take jobs from the existing pool or join the dole queue. 36 per cent of all migrants over the past 5 years have joined the long term unemployement queues. This includes 90 per cent of some ethnic groups. As technology replaces labour, employment opportunities could possibly significatnly recede. This situation should be seriously considered by those promoting mass immigration.
4. Skilled and business migration
During the late 1980s the Department of Education Employment and Training had difficulty identifying skills which could not be supplied from within Australia. This situation still has not changed. Skilled migrants are not matched with employment vacancies in Australia which leads to oversupply and/or the unemployment of immigrant and locally trained skilled persons. ONE NATION will ensure that any skill entering Australia will be matched with a position that cannot be filled from within Australia. Skilled migration will not be used instead of training our own.
It is morally indefensible to import skilled labour into Australia merely because it is cheaper than training our own. Neither do we have the moral right to invite skilled people into our country whose education has been paid for by their mother country.
Australia has a responsibility not to put the dreams and aspirations of our own youth onto the scrap heap.
The Business Migration program was commenced in 1983 and rapidly developed a repuation as a fraudulent, crime-infested, money-laundering immigration rort. The Federal Public Accounts Committee investigated the program and concluded that it should be abolished.
A new program has replaced it and, as with the old program, the Immigration Department claims it to be a great success. During 1996-97, in excess of 200,000 Business Visitors Visas were issued. The category of temporary business visas is discussed on page 14.
ONE NATION has no faith in the present administration of the Business Migration Program. In many cases the surety money brought in does not even cover settlement costs.
ONE NATION will allow a continuation of a business migration program on condition that:
(a) the proposed business activity is in the best interest of Australia.
(b) the promised capital stays in Australia.
(c) the business proposals are actually implemented.Immigration status will be rescinded if investigation reveals the application is fraudulent.
5. Family reunion
Family reunion has been driving our immigration program out of control for many years and with the cutting of total migration numbers would naturally decrease as a category. Why should Australia always be the country in which the reunion takes place? The majority of these people are semi and unskilled and consequently have high unemployment rates. There is no logic in continuing to bring into Australia hundreds of thousands of unskilled people when our manufacturing capacity has been sent offshore and unskilled jobs no longer exist.
Family responsibility should go hand in hand with family reunion and One Nation supports a two year waiting period before a migrant becomes eligible for social security benefits. The Australian tax payer should not be asked to fund family reunion.
Compassionate factors for immediate dependent family members should always be taken into account.
6. Change of status migrants
All change-of-status migrants will be included in the following year’s immigration figures.
Change of status opportunities will be restricted and will only be granted if the change is proved to be in the best interests of Australia.
Foreign fee paying students should not presume that they will be able to change their status and remain in Australia. Access to education will not be a backdoor migration route.
7. Decentralisation
Decentralisation is the latest catch cry from those who recognise that our major cities can no longer cope with more migrants. Because of our indebtedness, rural Australia is currently being stripped of all its services and has the highest unemployment youth rates in the country. If we can’t look after the infrastructure supporting one of Australia’s important export income earning sectors, how are we going to develop rural Australia to support many thousands of migrants.
8. Illegal immigrants
In the 20th Century it is very easy to become an illegal migrant. Europe, USA, Australia and all first world countries are now experiencing a massive influx of illegal migrants. To keep people out, rather than encourage them in, will be the job of the immigration department in the 21st Century.
Current official figures concerning illegal migrants in Australia are inaccurate. About 500 illegal migrants on visitors visas enter Australia every week, primarily through our airports. These people have had no health checks, have few relevant skills, will work for very low wages, are exploitable, meld with their ethnic community and often are forced into crime. Australia needs accurate statistics concerning illegals and a well understood and community supported rationale for detection and deportation.
ONE NATION supports the detection and mandatory detention of illegal immigrants with properly funded deportation services. Deportation is very difficult after many years of illegal residence, but the entire process must be facilitated and funded to enable rapid removal of illegal overstayers from Australia. Proper detection, detention and deportation will act as a deterrent for others.
Illegal migrants will not have access to tax payer funded legal aid and the appeal process.
9. Health
Our hospital waiting lists are evidence that our health services are not coping. Further immigration will exacerbate waiting lists.
No migrant will be admitted into Australia if known to be carrying a communicable disease which may put the health of the Australian public at risk and/or be a burden to the Australian tax payer.
Many diseases are now being introduced or reintroduced into Australia. TB and Hapatitis B, primarily entering Australia from developing countries, are becoming an increasing problem. Rates of TB, a disease which was well controlled in Australia, are now increasing. Rates of TB contact, shown by positive Mantoux tests, of 25 per cent in inner Sydney schools are now being seen.
In future all migrants, including children, will have Mantoux tests for TB and those with a positive test will be required to follow a screening program when in Australia. Any migrant having active TB will not be allowed into Australia until they produce proof of effective treatment. Failure to follow the screening program when in Australia, will be grounds for heavy fines or deportation.
All adult migrants will be required to have a chest X-ray prior to entry.
Until all Australians at risk are immunised against Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B carriers will be excluded from entry as migrants. The government admits it does not have the resources to immunise all those at risk of Hepatitis B or to provide the necessary TB screening procedures.
Protection of the community from all communicable disease will always take priority.
Other health requirements currently in place will continue.
10. Defence
As long ago as 1987 the Government Policy Paper on defence in Australia stated, “no population increase is necessary for defence”. Let there be no hangover from the World War II ‘populate or perish’ philosophy that migration is necessary for Australia’s defence. Indeed, a healthy economy and a cohesive and united society, not a divided multicultural society, is what is needed for our defence.
11. Refugee
We accept the UNHCR definition of a refugee, that a refugee claimant shows a well-founded fear of persecution on his or her return to their own country. Also it is the contemporary situation that determines a claim, not events in the past.
In an increasingly unpredictable world with political, economic, religious, racial, environmental and socio-ethnic instability, an increasing flood of refugees is occurring. In the current world situation of 15 million refugees, Australia’s refugee program which acceps 12,000 per annum (one of the largest per capita by developed countries), is nothing more than a token gesture as it gives no assistance to the 99.9 per cent of refugees left behind. Any program that helps 0.1 per cent of refugees, does nothing for 99.9 per cent and costs billions is indeed unfair and immoral.
ONE NATION believes in providing temporary refuge until the danger in the refugee’s country is resolved. There is no assumption of automatic permanent residence in Australia.
12. Multicultural policy
ONE NATION understands the desire for migrants to maintain their culture in Australia. But, the desire Australians have to maintain their culture, history and traditions must take precedence. The Australian national culture is unique emphasising a balanced way of life, free of excessive striving and materialism. As in Canada and New Zealand, Australia has incorporated the best features of British culture: a balance of freedom and order, a separation of public service from politics, conflict solving by debate and not by force, violence and insurrection, a tolerance of minorities, economic opportunity fortitude in war without militarism and provision of social services. We have our distinctive art, theatre, literature, film and sport with achievements in science, medicine, social welfare and a unique quality of life.
Our culture has developed historically on the basis of our common experiences and memories, stories and traditions. Australia has a unique political history of which we can be proud. Australia led the way with the secret ballot, the 8 hour day, votes for women, invalid, widow and old age pensions, strong trade unions, the arbitration system and the basic wage. Our culture embodies the values of egalitarianism and mateship. It rejects excessive authority and believes in a fair go, admiration for the battler and a belief in the dignity of the individual.
Currently, successive governments and the media, together with the publicly funded multicultural and immigration elites, have imposed a wholly different cultural vision for Australia: multiculturalism. This policy does not simply mean encouragement of greater tolerance of difference, or the appreciation of ethnic foods or traditions. What we are experiencing now in Australia is a threat to the very basis of the Australian culture, identity and shared values. Threats to our freedom of speech, the freedom of the individual overtaken by group rights, funding given on the basis of ethnicity and race rather than need and our people divided into separate ethnic groups which are funded to stay that way. We see no reason why migrant cultures should be maintained at the expense of our shared, national culture.
Current education practices leave many Australians ignorant of the fact that we owe much of our way of life to our distinctive national culture. The survival of any national culture relies on a common national memory of events, history and traditions. It is such a common national memory which binds people together into a nation. But the policy of multiculturalism attempts to discredit and destroy our shared story and impose upon us a different story. This will produce Australians whose feelings toward the pre 1965 Australia and her heroes will be those of contempt, guilt, indifference or ignorance.
Every variety of culture in Australia today has a mother country where their particular culture can survive and develop. Our unique Australian culture and identity has nowhere else in the world in which to survive. Destroy it here and it is gone, forever.
Multicultural Policy operating through the power of the ethnic lobby is creating divisive ethnic politics as demonstrated through threats of block voting and branch stacking. We see the power of the minority directly influencing the policies which affect the majority, against the demonstrated will of the majority. Are we heading for an Australia where every issue will have to pass a minefield of ethnic and racial voting blocks?
Multiculturalism which has failed elsewhere in the world such as Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Bosnia, Chechnya, Rwanda, Tibet, Israel, Timor etc. is now being imported into Australia.
The government’s unspoken justification for immigration and the result of the policy will lead to the Asianisation of Australia. Our politicians plan an Asian future for Australia. As the then Immigration Minister, Senator Bolkus said, on 6/12/94, “We cannot cut and should not cut immigration because it would jeopardise our integration with Asia”. Do we need to change the ethnic/racial make up of Australia for trade? Trade comes and goes, but our identity as a nation should not be traded for money, international approval or to fulfil a bizarre social experiment.
70 per cent of our immigration program is from Asian countries. Consequently Australia will be 27 per cent Asian within 25 years and, as migrants congregate in our major cities, the effect of Asianisation will be more concentrated there. This will lead to the bizarre situation of largely Asian cities on our coast which will be culturally and racially different from the traditional Australian nature of the rest of the country. In a democracy, how dare our government force such changes on the Australian people without their consent and against their often polled opinion.
Policy conclusions
To aim for population stability in Australia, the immigration intake will be restricted to zero net migration, that is, immigration numbers replace those numbers of persons permanentlly leaving Australia each year.
The program will be non discriminatory, unless immigration numbers are such that the program will alter the ethnic and cultural make up of our country.
Migrants, with the exception of genuine refugees, will not be eligible for unemployment benefits until after the first two years of residence.
Skilled immigration, comprising 20% of the program, will be directly related to labour market needs in Australia and will only occur if:
1. no Australian can be trained for the job.
2. no Australian is available for the job.The Business Migration program, comprising 20% of the program will continue under intense scrutiny.
Family reunion is a privilege and not a right. Family reunion will continue to be a part of the immigration program but will be restricted to dependent immediate family.
Change-of-status opportunities will be restricted and endless review processes and claims of residence will be stopped.
Decentralisation as a proposal to send migrants to country centres is an unrealistic policy and will not be envisaged.
Past governments have created a massive illegal immigration problem and funds will be allocated to begin the enormous task of indentifying present offenders and of stopping illegal immigration.
The health of Australians will not be put at risk by failure to properly health screen immigrants.
Australia will continue to assist genuine refugees through providing temporary asylum and appropriate foreign aid.
The government funded, institutionalised policy of multiculturalism will be abandoned. Ethnic diversity as an integral part of the Australian Community will not disappear under a policy of integration which will be encouraged.
NOTE- Family Reunion Program- Basic English language is essential, however it is understood that young children will meet this condition during schooling.
The Immigration Program currently consists predominantly of :
(1) Family Reunion
(2) Skilled and Business Migrants.The Humanitarian Program consists of:
(1) Refugee
(2) Special Humanitarian
(3) Special Assistance Categories.New Zealand are currently not included in immigration numbers.
(1) Family Reunion
Family reunion historically usually accounts for about 60 per cent of the program with the greatest numbers comprising spouses, fiances, parents and children.Within the ONE NATION policy, family reunion will be maintained at about 60 per cent. The parent category from countries without an adequate transferable social security net, will be discontinued as these people have been an enormous drain on our social security services. The concessional family category, which includes non-immediate family members such as nieces and nephews will also be discontinued.
(2) Skilled and Business Migrants.
Skilled immigration will comprise approximately 20 oer cent of the program and will be tightly controlled.The independent skilled category will be abandoned.
Business migration will comprise the remainder of the program.
The humanitarian program will be replaced by a program of temporary refuge of those who meet the UNHCR definition of a refugee, with repatriation when the situation resolves. The number of places for genuine refugees will remain at 12,000 which are not included in the zero net migration program.
The special humanitarian program and special assistance categories which should never have been created in the first place, will be scrapped.
The total humanitarian program will be decreased whilst accommodating refugees at approximately the current level.
The situation with New Zealand immigration has been one sided for too long. A reciprocal arrangement whereby the numbers of Australians permanently leaving to live in New Zealand will equal the number of New Zealanders allowed to migrate to Australia each year.
There are three general categories of temporary entry into Australia which allow entry visas of from 3 months to 4 years.
(1) Temporary Resident Program.
(a) Skilled
(b) Business:
(i) temporary business (visas up to 3 months)
(ii) self sponsoring ‘executives’ (visas up to 4 years)
(2) Students
(3) VistorsPublic confidence in our immigration program has never been lower. This is the result of present and past governmental policy failures and incompetence in the administration of the official migration program, as well as lack of will and competence in the administration of the temporary entry program.
Government forecasts estimate the numbers of short term, or temporary, arrivals will more than double to 7.6 million by the year 2003.
ONE NATION will ensure that the Temporary Entry Program is properly administered and that all activities of migrants in the temporary entry category are tightly controlled, especially in employment areas.
(1) Temporary residents program
ONE NATION will allow persons to enter Australia on a temporary basis to meet specific objectives of benefit to Australia in the areas of skilled and business employment, social/cultural and international relations.
No application for change of status will be allowed from within Australia except in exceptional circumstances. Such a circumstance will be accepted only if the change of status is in the best interests of Australia. Extensions may be granted solely on an individual basis and only if of benefit to Australia.
Any person entering Australia for a period exceeding 6 months must perticipate in full health screening.
All intending skilled and business temporary entrants will be subjected to a ‘good character’ test.
Temporary entry to Australia of skilled persons is essential to satisfy areas not supplied from within Australia and to teach Australians the relevant skill. However, over the past decade both major parties have caved into pressure applied by multinational companies to relax regulations which in the past protected the interests of employees. The governments duty is to protect the best interest of Australians and this may necessitate standing up to nultinational corporations.
There should be reciprocity in travel and intent of skilled Australians to other countries.
Temporary Business visitor visas fall into two categories:
(i) Temporary Business (visas up to 3 months)
The deregulation of the temporary business entry category has been a disaster for Australia. 280,000 temporary business visas wer issued during the 1996/97 financial year and the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs has little knowledge of what work the visitors have been engaged in. A number have been found working for extended periods as door-to-door salespersons, in massage parlours and as factory hands.ONE NATION will ensure that 3 month business visas are issued only from the country of origin and are for bonafide purposes or benefit to Australia.
(ii) Self Sponsoring “executive” (visas up to 4 years)
ONE NATION will ensure that independent self-employed executive visas will be issued only from the country of origin and solely for bonafide business purposes. That the temporary migrant is conducting the business or employed in the activities for which the visa was issued will be constantly checked. There will be no automatic renewal of four year visas, any subsequent extensions must be bonafide and in the best interests of Australia.(b) Social/Cultural
Temporary visas will be granted to include such persons as entertainers, visiting academics, sportspersons, exchange students and religious workers etc.
(c) International relations
Working holiday makers comprise 45 per cent of this group. ONE NATION will continue to supply temporary visas for this purpose but will proceed with caution to ensure the labour market can accommodate these people. Reciprocal arrangements must exist.
2. Student program
ONE NATION will continue to allow students to enter Australia to undertake full-time courses of study or training. However, such courses must be accredited and registered for overseas students. Since January 1994 overseas visitors to Australia have been able to undertake ELICOS or other non-formal study for up to 3 months and this will continue.
ONE NATION is adamant that educational fees for overseas students will not be used as basic funding for institutions due to lack of funding from the Australian government as has been happening in recent years. Consequently visas will only be allocated to overseas students providing the numbers do not mean fewer places for Australian students.
Overseas students must have the prerequisite studies and other entry requirements for any course. Teaching time will not be disproportionately devoted to overseas students.
As a result of the numbers of students from People’s Republic of China who overstayed and/or did not comply with student visa conditions in past years, the entry of these students will continue to be restricted.
Change-of-status and extension principles will apply:
3. Visitors to Australia
Tourism has been one of the fastest growing sectors of the Australian economy in recent years. The Sydney 2000 Olympics will result in further increases in visitor numbers.
ONE NATION will ensure the integrity of our border entry requirements are maintained.
Unfortunately the increasing numbers of illegal migrants is sourced through our airports on visitors’ visas. A properly controlled visitor program will ensure tourists are welcome in Australia but ONE NATION will ensure that the detection of illegal migrants for deportation is properly funded and administered.
As a democracy, political authority in Australian society derives from the will of its Citizens. It does not derive from ethnic and multicultural lobby groups or business and intellectual elites with divided loyalties. Therefore, the Australian Federal Government’s first duty is to care for the welfare of its citizens. Australian benefits should not necessarily be extended to non-citizens who merely reside here and who use Australian society to obtain the maximal individual advantage for themselves.
Within the ranks of citizens and non-citizens in Australia there are now large numbers who do not feel reciprocal obligations of duty to Australia. Organisations or indiviuals who deflect loyalty from Australia should be sidelined in debates on national issues.
Much current ‘politically correct’ philosophy pays superificial respect to the concept of citizenship while, at the same time, devaluing and undermining its importance. In the new globalized world the concept of nation, and of citizenship, is being eroded. Pauline Hanson’s ONE NATION believes that Australia should be a sovereign nation, not merely a geographical area populated by ‘world citizens.’
Pauline Hanson’s ONE NATION wishes to see nationhood and citizenship re-established amongst the highest priorities of government. Hence, ONE NATION’s policy includes the following:
1. Five year permanent residence before being eligible for citizenship. Time out of Australia within this period must not exceed 18 months.
2. Passing a spoken and written English test to be compulsory before naturalisation.
3. Applicants must pass a test demonstrating a basic understand of Australian institutions, history and environment. Schools will be obliged to teach such material to all students as part of the school curriculum.
4. The advantages of citizenship will be strengthened, ie.
(a) Only citizens can sponsor migrants.
(b) Legal aid will only be available to citizens.
(c) Government employment will only be extended to citizens except where those skills are unobtainable in Australia.
(d) Children of illegal migrants will not automatically be granted citizenship.5. Non-citizens will be deported for criminal offences where they are subject to being gaoled. Australia will seek treaties with other countries for co-operations in deporting non-Australian citizens. They will be found, tried and sentenced within Australia and deported to their country of origin to serve their sentence. Their assets in Australia will be sold to defray all expenses. If necessary, Australia will contribute to the cost of gaoling in their own country- in most cases this will be cheaper than keeping them in Australia.
6. With regard to citizenship, we believe our pledge of commitment needs to become one of loyalty to Australia and its people above all others.
In conclusion, all citizens will be expected to have an over-riding commitment to Australia and to accept the basic structures and principles of Australia, that is – the rule of law, tolerance, equality of opportunity, parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, English as the national language and equality of the sexes and races.
If individuals internalise the above principles and love of country as part of their own sense of identity, we will re-establish a cohesive society in which, in times of threat, citizens will, if necessary, risk their lives and perhaps sacrifice themselves to protect their fellow Australians and our country. Our responsibilty and such patriotism was described in the World War I poem, ‘Flanders Fields’:
…”Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.”