Election results for the House of Representatives can be examined in a number of ways.
- Federal Election Dates and Outcomes Since 1901
- Number of Elections Won By Each Prime Minister Since 1901
Overall Results In Seats
- State of the Parties in the House of Representatives Since 1901 – single table showing the seats won by the various parties at every election since Federation.
- House of Representatives Seats Since 1984 – a colour-coded table showing results in each seat at every election since 1984.
- State of the Parties in the House of Representatives Since 1943 – a table showing the overall composition of the House following federal elections since 1943.
- House of Representatives Election Results Since 1972 – state-by-state and party breakdown of seats won, all in one big table; OR
- House of Representatives Election Results Tables Since 1972 – state-by-state and party breakdown of seats won, but in individual tables for every election since 1972.
- ALP Federal Election Results Since 1910
Seats Changing Hands
- Seats Changing Hands at the 2016 Federal Election
- Seats Changing Hands at the 2013 Federal Election
- Seats Changing Hands at the 2010 Federal Election
- Seats Changing Hands at the 2007 Federal Election
- Seats Changing Hands at the 2004 Federal Election
- National Two-Party-Preferred Statistics At Federal Elections Since 1949
- State-by-State Two-Party-Preferred Statistics At Federal Elections Since 1984
- 2016 Federal Election: Two-Party-Preferred Figures State-by-State
- 2013 Federal Election: Two-Party-Preferred Figures State-by-State
Primary Votes and Preferences
- House of Representatives Primary Votes Since 1901 – complete set of statistics showing the primary votes received by parties in federal elections since 1901.
- House of Representatives Primary Votes: 1993-1998 – a table showing the primary votes polled by the various parties in the 1993, 1996 and 1998 House of Representatives elections.
- 2016 Primary Vote Winners, Preference Vote Losers
- 2013 Primary Vote Winners, Preference Vote Losers
- 2004 Primary Vote Winners, Preference Vote Losers
- 2001 Primary Vote Winners, Preference Vote Losers
- 1996 Primary Vote Winners, Preference Vote Losers
Informal Votes
- Informal Voting Statistics Since 1983 – table showing the national and state-by-state informal voting percentages at every federal election since 1983.
- Enrolment, Voter Turnout and Informal Votes 1901-98 – table showing House enrolment, turnout and informality rates.
- Analysis of 2007 Federal Election Informal Votes – AEC Research Paper (PDF).
- Analysis of 2004 Federal Election Informal Votes – AEC Research Papers (PDF).
- Categories of Informal Voting 1987 – an interesting set of statistics showing how informal voters spoiled their ballot papers.
General Information
- Links to Detailed Information on Federal Elections Since 1972
- Federal Election Results 1901-2014 – a Parliamentary Library research paper with detailed statistics on elections since 1901.