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1984 Post-Election Analysis: McMullan, Henderson And Butman

The document shown here provides an analysis of the 1984 Federal Election from the perspectives of operatives from the ALP, Liberal and Democrats

The booklet was originally produced by the Victorian Association of Social Studies Teachers (VASST) and reproduced by the Correspondence School.

The ALP perspective is provided by Bob McMullan, the National Secretary of the ALP. Later, McMcullan became a federal Labor senator (1988-96) and MP (1998-2010). He served as a minister in the Keating government (1993-96).

The Liberal perspective is provided by Dr. Gerard Henderson, senior advisor to the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, John Howard.

The perspective of the Australian Democrats is provided by George Butman, the private Secretary to the party’s leader, Senator Don Chipp.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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