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Vernon Jordan’s Statement on the Lewinsky Matter

This is the text of Vernon Jordan’s statement to the media about Monica Lewinsky.

Jordan said he provided assistance to Lewinsky in finding employment, referring her for interviews at a number of companies.

Jordan said he also recommended a lawyer to Lewinsky.

Vernon Jordan statement on Monica Lewinsky.

May I have your attention. My name is Vernon Jordan. I, first of all, want to thank you for coming, and, secondly, I want to say that I’m going to read a statement. And after I shall have read my statement, I will not take questions. I’m going to leave and go back to work.

I did two things for Ms. Monica Lewinsky. I assisted her in trying to find employment in the private sector in New York City. I referred her for interviews at American Express, and at Revlon where I am privileged to serve as a director. I also referred her to Young & Rubicam, a New York advertising agency.

Secondly, when she was served with a subpoena and at her request, I recommended a very competent Washington lawyer, Mr. Frank Carter. I actually took her to Mr. Carter’s office. I introduced them. And I returned to my office.

I want to say to you absolutely and unequivocally that Ms. Lewinsky told me in no uncertain terms that she did not have a sexual relationship with the president. At no time did I ever say, suggest or intimate to her that she should lie.

Throughout my professional career, I have been privileged to assist people with their vocational aspirations. I have done so for two reasons. First, I stand on the shoulders of many individuals who have helped me. And, second, I believe to whom much is given, much is required. And so I believe in giving a helping hand.

For many years now, and especially since I’ve chaired the Clinton transition in 1992, I am consulted by individuals — young and old, male and female, black and white, Hispanic and Asian, rich and poor, Cabinet members and secretaries — for assistance. And I have had some success from paralegals to mailroom clerks, from corporate directors to CEOs.

I was pleased to be helpful to Ms. Lewinsky, whose drive, ambition and personality were impressive. Ms. Lewinsky was referred to me by Ms. Betty Currie, a secretary to the president.

Yesterday afternoon, I was served a subpoena by the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, to appear before the grand jury. I will answer the grand jury’s questions directly, completely and truthfully. I fully appreciate the gravity of this situation. My law partner and friend, Mr. William Hundley, is my lawyer, and Mr. Hundley will represent me in the premises.

Thank you very much.

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