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Gail Barr’s Affidavit To Hustler Magazine

This is the text of Gail Barr’s affidavit to Hustler magazine.

The affidavit was presented during the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton.

Barr is the former wife of Bob Barr, congressman from Georgia and one of the House Managers in the trial.

Affidavit of Gail Barr.

BarrAffidavit of Gail Barr

I Gail Barr, declare:

1. I am the former wife of Robert Barr, congressman from Georgia. 1 know all of the following facts of my own knowledge and, if called and sworn as a witness, could, and would, competently testify thereto. I give this affidavit freely and voluntarily, of my own will, without any duress.

2. I first met Robert Barr (hereinafter, “Bob”) at a dinner party in Falls church, Virginia, in March of 1976. We both worked for the Central Intelligence Agency at the time. He was separated from his first wife at the time. Bob and I began dating soon after we met. In October 1976, we were married.

3. Bob was attending Georgetown Law School when we met, and graduated in June of 1977. About a year after his graduation, he wanted to leave the Central Intelligence Agency and move to Georgia to practice law. I took a cut in pay to move to Georgia to take a position in a local federal agency.

4. Bob, who was born in Iowa, had attended the University of Southern California as an undergraduate, and his roommate there was there from Georgia. Bob had visited Georgia with his roommate. Bob had been involved with the Young Democrats while he was an undergraduate. Bob told me that his parents would not pay for his college education if he continued his involvement with the Young Democrats.

5. When Bob and I married, we both wanted children. We planned to have three children.

6. After we moved to Atlanta, Bob became active in politics. He was president of our homeowners’ association. He became chairman of the Cobb County Republican Party. He began attending more and more political functions.

7. Bob thoroughly enjoyed politics, and he was very ambitious and his ambitions were his first priority. He told me that he wanted to be President of the United States, and retire as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

8. In March of 1963, 1 became pregnant for the third time. When I became pregnant the third time, our two sons were three years old and a year-and-a-half. I was 38 years old, concerned with health complications the pregnancy might present, and Bob’s practice was slow, and he was not home much. We did not have any health insurance. I asked Bob what we should do; whether I should have an abortion. He said it was entirely my decision and that I should do whatever I wanted to do. This was an extremely difficult choice, but Bob did not want to help in making the decision, even though he was the father. If Bob had said, “No, don’t have an abortion,” I never would have had it done.

9. Bob never told me not to have the abortion, or that he was in any way against my having the abortion. Any statement he made that he expressed his opposition to the abortion is simply not true.

10. On the Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend in 1983, Bob drove me to the clinic to have an abortion. He watched our boys at home while the procedure was done. He then came to the clinic to to get me. He paid for the procedure.

11. Through 1983 and into 1984, Bob became more involved with politics. He spent more time away from home. His law practice still was not doing well. In May 1984, I had an operation for breast cancer. I was undergoing chemotherapy throughout the summer of 1984. Our boys were four and two-and-a-half.

12. In 1964, Bob was running for a state representative seat in Georgia against an incumbent. I asked him to stop campaigning after my cancer surgery and while going through chemotherapy, but he refused. He told me that the campaign would take my mind of my health problems. He never went to the chemotherapy treatments with me. He never tried to understand what I was going through. He was not there for me when I needed him.

13. Instead, I helped Bob with his campaign. Our sons and I would stuff mailboxes, take part in parades, and otherwise try to help with his campaign. Bob lost that election.

14. Because of the cancer, I was not able to have any more children. Bob and I were opposed to adoption, so our plans to have three children never happened.

15. On a Saturday night about two weeks before Thanksgiving of 1985, Bob announced to me in our garage, I don’t love you anymore,” and that he was moving out. Our boys were five-and-a-half and four. I asked him to stay at least through Thanksgiving, but he refused and left immediately.

16. In July, 1985, Bob had joined Cobb Leadership, a group of civic leaders from Cobb County, Georgia. Jeri, his current wife, also was a member of Cobb Leadership.

Waterbed17. A few months after Bob left the home, he moved into an apartment building where Jeri resided. Our children would visit him there. They would come home and tell me about “Dad’s water bed” and how they were spending time with “Jeri.” While Bob and I were separated and before our divorce, Bob and our boys also would spend the night at Jeri’s.

18. Bob, our sons, and Jeri would go swimming together and go to church together during the time Bob and I were separated. Bob took Jeri to political and social functions.

19. After Bob left us, he attempted to draw up the divorce papers by himself. He wanted me to immediately sell the house and to split the proceeds. In April of 1986, I hired an attorney to protect my interests and the interest of our sons.

20. In May and June of 1986, Bob and Jeri, Bob’s current wife, were deposed. Both refused under oath to answer questions about their relationship either as it existed prior to time Bob left us or during the time Bob and I were separated. Specifically, each refused to answer whether they were having an affair during my marriage to Bob.

21. Looking back, it is evident to me that Bob was having an affair with Jeri before Bob and I were divorced. During the summer of 1985, we would receive telephone calls at home, but when answered, the person would hang up. Bob was coming home later and later in the evening. Sometimes, he would not get home until the early hours of the morning.

22. Changes took place in Bob. He had always worn glasses, but he switched to contact lenses. He started wearing custom suits. He took a renewed interest in his appearance.

23. In September of 1985, I was helping out as a secretary in Bob’ s law office. He had me call to make luncheon arrangements with the woman he later married. Obviously, at the time, I did not realize Bob was having a romantic relationship with this woman. Friends would tell me that they saw Bob and Jeri holding hands at the mall or in restaurants. Also in October of 1985, the Cobb Leadership had a weekend conference in the Georgia mountains. Both Bob and Jeri attended.

24. In October of 1985, Bob helped Jeri with a speeding ticket. One night soon after that, Bob brought home a Halloween card. When I asked who it was from, he said “nobody.” At the time I thought nothing more of it. It was my opinion that it was from Jeri.

25. Our divorce was finalized on November 1986. A month before, in October of 1986, Bob was named United States Attorney. Bob married Jeri in December of 1986. I was given custody of our children. I have not remarried. I currently work for the federal government.

26. In 1989, I filed a contempt action to compel him to reimburse some of the boys’ medical expenses.

Superhero27. Although Bob and I have had arguments and disagreements since the divorce, we have managed to get along for the sake of our sons. In fact, when Bob was running for his congressional seat in 1994, I along with my family, contributed money to finance a newspaper advertisement on Bob’s behalf and did a radio commercial in support of Bob.

28. 1 did not approach LFF, Inc., or Larry Flynt. They contacted me regarding Bob.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this 8th day of January, 1999 at Atlanta, Georgia.




On January 8, 1999 before me, Caren Hite personally Appeared Gail Barr, personally known to me (or proved to me on The basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me That she executed the same in her authorized capacity, and that By her signature on the instrument, the person, or entity upon Behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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