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Victorian Greens Nominate Senate Candidate

The Victorian Greens have announced that they will contest all 37 House of Representatives electorates in this year’s election.

The Greens Senate candidate will be Scott Kinnear, the former and founding Chairperson of the Organic Federation of Australia. Kinnear is an advocate for a GE-free (genetic engineering) Australia.

At the 1998 election, the Greens polled 70,872, or 2.49%, of the primary vote in Victoria. This represented 0.17% of a Senate quota. The ALP and the Coalition each won 3 Senate seats, squeezing both the Greens and the Democrats.

A statement on the Greens web-site says:

Australian Greens statement on Scott Kinnear.

KinnearKinnear is a proven advocate for getting ‘clean Green food produced and onto world markets.’ says Greens Senator Bob Brown. ‘He is a unique mix of small businessman, farmer and activist. There is no doubt that he will give Victorians a powerful new voice in the Senate, particularly if there is a Howard Government back in the House after the next election. He is the perfect antidote for voters sick of the economic rationalism of the Coalition and Labor.’
Malcolm Farnsworth
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