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The Ten Motions That Sank Stott Despoja

According the website, these are the 10 motions that were passed by the Australian Democrats party-room.

The motions were opposed by the leader of the party, Senator Natasha Stott Despoja, who resigned the leadership shortly afterwards.

The motions were supported by Aden Ridgeway, Lyn Allison, John Cherry and Andrew Murray. They were opposed by Stott Despoja, Andrew Bartlett and Brian Grieg.

Motions passed by Australian Democrats party room.

  1. That the Party Room move to establish a constructive working relationship with Senator Lees as a like-minded Independent, and that the Whip make contact with Senator Lees and report to the next party room meeting on the outcomes of the meeting.

  2. That the Party Room establish a Working Party to establish a Code of Conduct for Staff and also for Senators dealings with Staff. This working party shall consist of two senators and two staff (one Leaders, one electorate) elected by the staff. That the Group report back to the party room by the end of September.

  3. That the Party Room adopt the following protocol for Leader’s staffing:

    • That the Party room conduct an annual needs analysis of staffing needs with a view to allocating staff according to Party room agreed priority issues and portfolios; b. That all staff be subject to annual performance appraisals which involve the Leader and the relevant portfolio senators, or, in the case of senior strategic and media staff, all senators;

    • That a working group of the Leader, the Deputy and two staff representatives develop job descriptiuons, performance appraisal and professional development procedures;

    • That the selection panel for portfolio researchers shall consist of the Leader (or her nominee) and the relevant portfolio senators; e. That portfolio positions shall be advertised externally unless that selection panel agrees that an exceptional case exists;

    • That where there is conflict over the prioritisation of the work of a researcher between senators, the matter shall be referred to the party room for resolution.

  4. That the Leader provide a report to the party room detailing any role (if any) that her staff played in the activation, prosecution, support or halting of action against Senator Lees by the organisational wing of the party.

  5. That following the August sittings senators agree to the engagement of an independent facilitator (e.g. Di Bretherton) to work through conflicts in the party room and assist with the development of new protocols.

  6. That the Whip contact the National President with a view to developing a draft protocol for interaction between the party room and national executive and discussing the National Executive’s proposal for a parliamentary code of conduct, and report back initially to Party Room by the end of August.

  7. That the Party Room adopt a protocol that no senator, including the Leader, will formally or informally lodge a complaint against another senator without first raising the matter in the party room with a view to mediation.

  8. That the Party Room establish a committee of three headed by the Leader to draft a report to the National Compliance Committee Review Committee that deals with the proper balance between the right of senators to speak out and their constitutional obligations.

  9. That the Party Room advise the National President and the National Policy Co-ordinator of concerns with the National Executive motion restricting the right of senators to speak on policy during election campaigns and invite the National Policy Co-ordinator to meet with the senators to discuss concerns that portfolio holders have in relation to the formulation of party policy, explore ways of improving the policy process and explore issues of presentation of policy during campaigns.

  10. That the Party Room advise all members of the National Management Committee and National Compliance Committee that the interests of reconciliation and rebuilding within the party would best be served by a moratorium on any disciplinary action against any member arising out of the issues of the last two months.

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Malcolm Farnsworth
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