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Step Out Not Down: Bob Brown

The leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Bob Brown, says the Governor-General should have resigned, rather than stand aside.

Brown said the Prime Minister, John Howard, has decided to “buoy-up” Hollingworth, in contrast to his treatment of Justice Michael Kirby last year.

Text of media statement from Senator Bob Brown.

BrownThe Prime Minister’s decision that the Governor-General should retain office but temporarily step down is wrong for the nation, Greens Senator Bob Brown said tonight.

“Mr. Howard should have asked the Governor-General to step out, not down,” Senator Brown said.

“This is much wider than a question of legal process, and the nation is being damaged.

“Mr Howard’s decision to buoy-up the Governor-General is in stark contrast to his tabling of defamatory material against Justice Kirby last year,” Senator Brown said.

Senator Brown welcomed Sir Guy Green as acting Governor-General.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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