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Greens Renew Call For Royal Commission On Iraq Intelligence

Following the leaking of Colonel Lance Collins’ letter to the Prime Minister concerning intelligence failures, the Australian Greens have renewed their call for a Royal Commission.

Text of a media release from Michael Organ, Australian Greens member for Cunningham in the House of Representatives.

Greens Intelligence Service Royal Commission Bill squarely on point

Michael Organ, Australian Greens Member for CunninghamCunningham MP Michael Organ’s Iraq Royal Commission (Restoring Public Trust in Government) Private Members Bill that he introduced into the Federal Parliament with Greens Senator Bob Brown just last month, now has added urgency as a result of the publication of the intelligence service scandal in today’s Bulletin magazine.

“The report by Captain Martin Toohey has added weight to the view that a Royal Commission is needed into Australia’s critical intelligence services. It is nothing short of alarming but at the same time not surprising that these events have come to light, given the increasing politicisising of the Federal public service. My Bill provides a comprehensive framework allowing the Australian people to get to the bottom of all this once and for all.

The terms of reference of my Bill are for a Royal Commission to report on:

(a) the nature and extent of the intelligence provided to the Commonwealth Government relating to its decision to commit Australian military forces to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and to continue to occupy Iraq in 2004; and

(b) the accuracy and independence of this intelligence; and

(c) an assessment of how the Commonwealth Government verified this intelligence and the accuracy with which the Commonwealth Government conveyed this intelligence to the public.

My Bill establishes the framework to get to the truth- it remains to be seen whether or not the Government has the courage to hear it,” Michael Organ said.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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