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Election Funding Payments: 2004 Federal Election

This table shows the election funding payments made to political parties and candidates following the 2004 federal election.

A candidate or Senate group needs four per cent of the primary vote to be eligible for election funding. The amount is calculated by multiplying the number of votes obtained by the current funding rate.

The funding rate for the 2004 election was 194.397 cents per House of Representatives and Senate vote.

Just under $42 million was distributed to parties and candidates.

Election Funding Payments – 2004 Federal Election
Liberal Party of Australia 17,956,326.48
Australian Labor Party 16,710,043.43
Australian Greens 3,316,702.48
National Party of Australia 2,966,531.27
Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 158,973.97
Family First Party 158,451.04
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 56,215.73
Katter’s Australian Democrats 8,491.26
Christian Democratic Party NSW (Fred Nile Group) 6,572.56
No Goods And Services Tax Party 5,995.20
Pauline Hanson (Senate, Qld) 199,886.77
Tony Windsor (New England, NSW) 89,562.59
Peter Andren (Calare, NSW) 79,413.12
Bob Katter (Kennedy, Qld) 63,544.49
Peter King (Wentworth, NSW) 25,730.39
Brian Deegan (Mayo, SA) 24,449.31
Lars Hedberg (Wide Bay, Qld) 19,400.82
Graeme Campbell (Kalgoorlie, WA) 12,935.18
Robert (Rob) Bryant (Murray Vic) 12,120.65
Robert Dunn (Mackellar, NSW) 11,761.02
Margaret F Menzel (Dawson, Qld) 10,977.60
Darren Power (Rankin, Qld) 9,980.34
Bruce Haigh (Gwydir, NSW) 7,381.25
Jeanette (Jen) Sackley () 7,365.70
Samir (Sam) Bargshoon (Leichhardt, Qld) 7,346.26
TOTAL 41,926,158.91
Malcolm Farnsworth
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