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Truss Announces Australia-North Pole Air Services Agreement

An air services agreement has been reached between Australia and the North Pole that will allow Santa Claus to fly through Australian airspace on Christmas Eve, according to the Minister for Transport and Regional Services, Warren Truss.

Truss“Rigorous safety checks of Santa’s sleigh and reindeer” have been carried out and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has provided “dispensation allowing the sleigh to fly lower than 1,000 feet over built-up areas.”

According to a media release, “Mr Truss said the Australian Government has fully briefed Santa on changes to Australia’s low-level airspace since last Christmas.”

Truss is the National Party’s deputy leader. He has been the member for the Queensland electorate of Wide Bay since 1990. Previously Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, this is his first Christmas as Minister for Transport and Regional Services.

Text of a media release from the Minister for Transport and Regional Services, Warren Truss.


Australia and the North Pole have reached an air services agreement that will allow Santa Claus to fly through Australian airspace on Christmas Eve.

The Australian Government Minister for Transport and Regional Services, Warren Truss, said that the agreement was reached after rigorous safety checks of Santa’s sleigh and reindeer.

“The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has now issued Santa Claus with the necessary air safety approvals, as well as dispensation allowing the sleigh to fly lower than 1,000 feet over built-up areas.

“The negotiations were complicated by the need to agree on the navigation lights carried by the sleigh. Civil Aviation Regulation 196 requires aircraft to carry the familiar red, green and white navigation lights at night.

“However, Santa’s elf negotiators argued that the lights would distract the reindeer.

“Luckily, we were able to reach a compromise. One of the reindeer – Rudolph – has a very shiny nose. I am advised that you could even say it glows!”

Mr Truss said CASA has therefore directed that Rudolph must lead the sleigh on Christmas Eve.

“Santa’s air operator’s certificate is valid from bedtime on 24 December until early Christmas morning.”

Mr Truss said the Australian Government has fully briefed Santa on changes to Australia’s low-level airspace since last Christmas.

“Santa had an excellent aviation safety record. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) says that there has never been an accident in Australia involving flying reindeer,” he said.

Go to to view unusual airborne activity occurring around the North Pole.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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