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Victorian Local Government Association State Budget Submission

The Victorian Local Government Association has made a submission to the state government in advance of next year’s budget.

Budget submissions, state and federal, are examples of regular lobbying activity by pressure groups.

This is the text of the VLGA’s covering letter to Treasurer John Brumby, accompanying the submission to the Treasurer on the 2006-07 Budget priorities.

Dear John,

The Victorian Local Governance Association is pleased to provide a submission on the priorities for the 2006 – 07 State Budget.

Our submission focuses clearly on the need for the 2006 -07 Budget to be a Transport Budget which significantly commits to services and infrastructure spending to underpin the Metropolitan Transport Plan and commitments in both Growing Victoria Together and he Melbourne 2030 strategy.

Equally important is the need for a commitment to the development of a Provincial Transport Framework to identify local and state-wide priorities. We also draw your attention o significant infrastructure issues for provincial local government’s in terms of bridge capitalisation and maintenance.

We would be delighted to meet with you in the New Year to discuss further.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Rowe
Chief Executive
Malcolm Farnsworth
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