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Howard Fails Vision For Australia Say Greens

This is the text of a statement released by the leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Bob Brown.

It follows the Prime Minister’s announcement of the November 24 election.

The Prime Minister’s acceptance that “I take responsibility for everything that happens under my watch” highlights his failures on Iraq, climate change, water security, public hospitals and schools, Indigenous wellbeing, and the plight of 1.2 million pensioners, Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

“Howard claims the country needs right leadership when in fact it needs good green leadership.

Failure on global warming, forests, water and public transport means failure on economic vision.

His “balanced approach” has manifestly failed the nation in an age of massive, punishing climate impact on our economy,” Senator Brown said.

“His call for “balance” seems divorced from his unbalanced abuse of the Senate majority. The Greens will provide the balance the Howard years have robbed from Australia,” Senator Brown said.

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Malcolm Farnsworth
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