The federal government and opposition have been busy today, even though it is only the first week of January.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been in Western Australia where she held a press conference about the education tax rebate and other issues.
- Listen to Gillard’s press conference (12m)
Back on the east coast, the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, and the shadow Finance spokesman, Andrew Robb, held a press conference to explain the coalition’s policy on investigating the construction of new dams. Abbott claimed that with two Sydney Harbours worth of water flowing past Rockhampton each day it’s time for a re-think on water management policy.
- Listen to Abbott and Robb (16m)
The Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, also held a press conference to announce the government’s response to the November 11 High Court decision on judicial review of asylum seeker applications.
- Listen to Bowen (23m)
Back in Western Australia, Gillard and the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese, announced the government’s National Ports Strategy at Kwinana.
- Listen to Gillard and Albanese (24m)
It is unusual for so many political announcements to occur at this time of year. This reflects the government’s minority status in Parliament and the desire of the Opposition to maintain political pressure on the government.