The Senate Select Committee on the Reform of the Australian Federation has released its report.
The committee was established in June 2010 to:
- inquire into and report by the last sitting day of May 2011 on key issues and priorities for the reform of relations between the three levels of government within the Australian federation; and
- explore a possible agenda for national reform and to consider ways it can best be implemented in relation to, but not exclusively, the following matters
- the distribution of constitutional powers and responsibilities between the Commonwealth and the states (including territories)
- financial relations between federal, state and local governments
- possible constitutional amendment, including the recognition of local government
- processes, including the Council of Australian Governments, and the referral of powers and procedures for enhancing cooperation between the various levels of Australian government, and
- strategies for strengthening Australia’s regions and the delivery of services through regional development committees and regional grant programs
The Committee comprised three Liberal senators (Russell Trood, Chris Back and Scott Ryan), two ALP senators (Mark Furner and Claire Moore) and one Greens senator (Scott Ludlam).