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Tony Abbott’s New Year Message

This is a New Year video message released by the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott.

Text of statement from Tony Abbott.

Throughout our history, Australians have demonstrated again and again our capacity and determination to make our country a better place.

We are not afraid of having a go, we never fail to lend our hand, and we always aspire to making our country a better place.

This coming year, the Coalition will be explaining in detail our plans to deliver a strong and prosperous economy and a safe and secure Australia.

The Coalition has plans to create two million new jobs and grow the economy, plans to help small business expand, plans for a cleaner environment, more modern infrastructure and stronger borders.

This is the positive choice the Coalition will offer Australians in 2013: To build a powerhouse economy through lower taxes, more efficient government and more productive businesses; that will deliver more jobs, higher wages and better services for Australian families.

Once again, I want Australians to be optimistic about our country and their prospects.

May 2013 be a year of hope for all Australians.

Happy New Year.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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