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Queensland Government Electoral Reform Discussion Paper

The Queensland government has released a discussion paper on electoral reform.

Media attention has focussed on the issue of compulsory voting. Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan have attacked the Queensland Premier, Campbell Newman, over compulsory voting.

In fact, it is more likely that the government is keen to make changes to the political donations and public funding rules.

The discussion paper canvasses a wide range of electoral reforms, from electoral funding and donations, political advertising, how-to-vote cards, enrolment procedures, electronic voting, postal voting, compulsory voting and the voting system.

Statement from the Queensland Attorney-General, Jarrod Bleijie.

The Government is canvassing issues and options for improvement and change to Queensland’s electoral laws.

A discussion paper (PDF, 229.2 KB) has been developed to facilitate public input into changes and improvements to the electoral laws. The discussion paper is divided into two parts:

  • Part A of the paper focuses on options for reform in relation to political donations, public funding for elections and election campaign expenditure; and
  • Part B of the paper identifies a range of other issues including the voting system, voter enrolment, postal voting and political advertising.

Feedback is encouraged in relation to these issues and any matter relevant to Queensland’s electoral system.

Feedback or submissions received will assist the Government in deciding its position on electoral reform.

Consultation closes on 1 March 2013.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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