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Bank Reform Party Registered By Electoral Commission

The Bank Reform Party has been registered as a political party with the Australian Electoral Commission.

The registered officer and spokesman for the party is Adrian Greig Bradley. The party’s website provides no other details about its membership.

Registration of a political party requires a party constitution and 500 members or at least one parliamentary representative.

Registration entitles a party to have its name printed alongside its candidates on ballot paper. It also makes the party eligible for election funding once it reaches the threshold of 4% of primary votes.

The Bank Reform Party’s tag line on its website says: “Bank, Supermarket & Fuel Sector Reform”.

Statement posted on the website of The Bank Reform Party.

Bank Reform Party

The Greedy and Unfair Banks

The founders of Unhappybanking are creating a new non-aligned political party with one initial aim, reform the banks and the legal system to protect Australians from greedy and unfair banks.

Like most Australians, our experience with banks is they are incapable of self-regulation when it comes to fairness and accountability. We believe our banks need better regulation to protect hard working Australians; most Australians agree with this.That’s why we are going to contest the next Federal Election due at the end of 2013 on a national senate ticket.

Our party will be non-aligned, with no vested interests or political pay back. We welcome Australians across the entire spectrum of mainstream Australian political ideology.

Fairness, Equality, Accountability

The Bank Reform Party’s vision is simple; fairness, equality, accountability. Our over-arching platform is to return to the concept of national, corporate and individual “fairness”, a “fair go” for all, not based on how much money you have.

Our party will also examine legal reform to improve access to justice for all Australians. As we all know, pursuing justice through our civil courts is prohibitively expensive for most people, the banks and other big corporations know this and use the law to their advantage, even when they are wrong!

This has to change.

We want a fair and just society where we are all accountable, and this must extend to our banks and other institutions. Importantly, we are NOT bank bashers!

We know Australian banks are the lifeblood of the Australian economy. Australia and all Australians urgently need STRONG banks. But we also urgently need banks to be FAIR!

Yet the banks seem to think it’s impossible for them to be strong while also being fair and accountable.

We believe our banks urgently need better and possibly more regulation to be fairer, and more accountable to ALL Australians. We do not want to over-regulate anyone, as a principal we support less regulation, but not at the cost of fairness to the wider Australian community.

At the very least, we believe most Australians agree banks need to be regulated to stop gouging on interest rates!
If you are an Australian who holds a bank account, has a residential mortgage or business facility, then join us to make our banks fairer!
Malcolm Farnsworth
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