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Gillard’s Five Pledges To Western Sydney

The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has delivered a speech to Labor members and supporters tonight in which she said she was determined to achieve five things for western Sydney.


Speaking at the University of Western Sydney, Gillard said the government was determined to:

  1. “put Aussie workers first”
  2. “bring high speed broadband to work places and homes”
  3. “give children a world leading education”
  4. “insure you against disability and keep improving health”
  5. “manage the pressure of modern family life”

The Prime Minister was received warmly by the crowd on the first day of her week-long visit to western Sydney. She was introduced by NSW ALP Secretary Sam Dastyari and Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare.

  • Watch Dastyari, Clare & Gillard (44m)
  • Listen to Sam Dastyari (14m)
  • Listen to Jason Clare (8m)
  • Listen to Julia Gillard (31m)



Malcolm Farnsworth
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