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Gillard Calls Leadership Ballot For 4.30pm Today

2.05pm – Prime Minister Julia Gillard has called a leadership ballot for 4.30pm today.

She made the announcement at the start of Question Time in the House of Representatives.


Answering questions from Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, Gillard reiterated her campaign themes about the government and the oppposition.

Abbott asked Gillard if she agreed with former leader Bob Hawke that “if you can’t govern yourself how can you govern the country?” Gillard spoke of taxation reforms, education, hospitals and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. “We stand for supporting modern families,” she said.

As Gillard responded to Abbott, Kevin Rudd entered the chamber and took his seat on the backbench next to Anthony Byrne, the member for Holt.

  • Listen to Gillard in Question Time (9m)
Malcolm Farnsworth
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