One of the new government’s first decisions is to sack Steve Bracks, Australia’s Consul General in New York.
Bracks, Labor Premier of Victoria between 1999 and 2007, was appointed to the post in May by the Gillard government. He took up the position on August 5, the day after the election was announced. He confirmed today that the incoming Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop had informed him she would be revoking his position.
At the time of the appointment, the Abbott Opposition criticised it as a case of ‘jobs for the boys’.
Statement by Steve Bracks.
The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs informed me last night following a briefing he had with the Foreign Minister Elect, The Hon Julie Bishop, that she would be revoking my position as Australia’s Consul General in New York.
I was appointed to the position on Friday 17 May 2013 following Executive Council approval. I subsequently started in the role on Monday 5 August 2013 and I have spent the last month in consultations across Australia with business and government leaders, including extensive briefings with DFAT and previous Consul Generals, The Hon John Olsen AO, Mr Ken Allen AM and Mr Phil Scanlan AM.
I was pleased with the support I received during these consultations, where there was significant recognition of my background as Premier of Victoria for eight years and as one of Australia’s leaders in the Funds Management Industry for the last six years.
I intend to now seek opportunities in Australia’s Funds management sector.
I wish the Foreign Minister Elect every success with her new appointment for this position and I will be making no further comment at this time.