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Keelty Begins Inquiry Into Missing Senate Votes

The former Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, has begun his inquiry into the missing Western Australian Senate ballot papers.

According to the Australian Electoral Commission, five members of staff are assisting Keelty.

Media release from the Australian Electoral Commission.

Australian Electoral Commission statement: Mr Mick Keelty AO APM commences inquiry

Yesterday Mr Mick Keelty AO APM commenced his inquiry into the circumstances of the missing ballot papers identified during the recent recount of Senate votes in Western Australia.

The inquiry will include identifying any administrative process and/or procedural failures that may have occurred as well as providing findings and recommendations to the Australian Electoral Commission.

Mr Keelty has been offered the full cooperation of the AEC in conducting his independent inquiry. Five Canberra-based AEC staff are currently assisting Mr Keelty with his inquiry, with further resourcing available should it be requested.

Mr Keelty is in Canberra this week receiving briefings from the AEC. He is expected to travel to Perth next week to progress the inquiry and is due to provide an interim report by the end of November.

Mr Keelty’s report will be considered by the full Electoral Commission, who will determine further actions after due consideration of the report’s findings and recommendations.

In the meantime, the AEC is presently considering its position in relation to a possible petition to the Court of Disputed Returns in relation to the WA Senate outcome.

Editor’s note: Mr Keelty is currently not available for interview. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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