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General Peter Cosgrove Reportedly Abbott’s Choice For Next Governor-General

Retired General Peter Cosgrove is to be Australia’s next Governor-General, according to a report in today’s edition of The Australian.

CosgroveCosgrove has been rumoured to be the choice of Prime Minister Tony Abbott for some time. Whilst the newspaper says Abbott refused to comment on its report, the news comes as no real surprise.

The newspaper says the appointment will be announced at the end of January.

The current Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, has held the position since September 5, 2008 and will retire in March. Her 5-year appointment was extended by six months by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, due to the proximity of the federal election.

Cosgrove will be Australia’s 26th Governor-General since 1901. The last Governor-General with a military background was Bryce’s predecessor, Major-General Michael Jeffery.

Cosgrove came to public prominence in the late 1990s as Commander of an international contingent of peacekeeping forces sent to East Timor. He has been spoken of as a possible Governor-General because next year is the centenary of the outbreak of World War One and the centenary of the Gallipoli landing takes place in 2015.

Appointments of Governors-General are made by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Australian says Cosgrove’s name has not yet been sent to Buckingham Palace for official approval.

General Peter Cosgrove

  • 1947: Born July 28, (age 66)
  • 1971: Received Military Cross for service with the 9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, in Vietnam
  • 1999: Commanded international forces (INTERFET) in a peacekeeping mission to East Timor
  • 2002-05: Chief of the Defence Force
  • 2006: Led a Queensland government taskforce in communities affected by Cyclone Larry
  • 2010: Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University
  • Has numerous board positions, including Qantas and APN News & Media
Malcolm Farnsworth
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