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Rudd Redux: Victory And Defeat

The Parliamentary Library has issued a research paper on Kevin Rudd’s return to the prime ministership and the 2013 federal election.

Written by Brenton Holmes of the Politics and Public Administration section of the library, the 28-page paper examines the circumstances of Rudd’s return to the Labor leadership on June 26, 2013. It traces Rudd’s actions until he called the election on August 4.


The paper deals selectively with events during the election campaign. A more detailed account will be published in a forthcoming research paper, Federal election 2013: issues, dynamics, outcomes.

The paper is extensively footnoted. The PDF version, which can be downloaded or viewed from this page, contains clickable links to most sources. The sources are predominantly media articles by press gallery journalists and other commentators.

Like most Parliamentary Library publications, the paper is a handy reference guide for the general reader or people researching elections. It is provided here under the terms of its Creative Commons licence.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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