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The 44th Parliament: Work Of The Session – Nov-Dec 2013

The House of Representatives has published the “work of the session” for the first 15 sitting days of the 44th Parliament.

The document covers the sitting days from November 12 to December 12, 2013.

Because of the federal election, the House of Representatives sat for only 48 days in 2013.

The Abbott government introduced 44 bills into the House in its first month. One private members bill was also considered. The bills comprise 1099 pages in total. 14 bills have been agreed to by the House and Senate. 23 bills are still before the Senate and 9 are still before the House.

One bill, for the abolition of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, has been rejected by the Senate. The other bills which form part of the government’s abolition of the carbon tax are still before the Senate.

The House meets for the first time next week.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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