Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Shadow Education Minister Kate Ellis have released the ALP’s education policy for this year’s election.
The policy is called Your Child, Our Future. It commits a Shorten government to reversing the Abbott/Turnbull government’s cuts and to deliver the six-year Gonski reforms on-time and in-full.
The ALP says it is committed “to fund a permanent and ongoing shift to needs-based funding” and “has provisioned $37.3 billion for the package over the decade from 2015-16 to 2025-26”. This includes the commitment to fund years five and six of Gonski, which the Parliamentary Budget Office has costed at $4.5 billion.
The policy says: “This funding will be offset, over the forward estimates and the medium term, by existing improvements to the Budget proposed by Labor including making multinational companies pay their fair share of tax reforms to the taxation of multinational entities, reducing superannuation tax concessions for millionaires, increasing the changes to tobacco excise, ceasing the Emissions Reducation Fund, and not proceeeding with the Liberals’ new Baby Bonus.”
- Watch Bill Shorten discuss the Education policy (1m)
ALP Education Policy Website & Links
- Labors’ Plan For Education website
- Educational Opportunity in Australia 2015
- Preparing Future Leaders