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Election Funding Payments: 2016 Federal Election

This table shows the first round of election funding payments made to political parties and candidates following the 2016 federal election.

The second round of funding will be made when all results are finalised. The figures shown below will increase but not substantially. This page will be updated when all funding has been paid.

A candidate or Senate group needs four per cent of the primary vote to be eligible for election funding. The amount is calculated by multiplying the number of votes obtained by the current funding rate.

The funding rate for the 2016 election was 262.784 cents per House of Representatives and Senate vote.

Funding was provided to 24 parties and groups, compared to 12 at the 2013 election. There were 24 independent candidates who received funding, compared to 9 in 2013.

Just over $60.4 million was distributed to parties and candidates.

Election Funding Payments – 2016 Federal Election
Liberal Party (includes LNP) 23,464,128.62
Australian Labor Party 22,355,109.55
Australian Greens 6,337,258.36
National Party of Australia 3,158,301.63
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party 1,623,827.11
Nick Xenophon Team 1,179,992.89
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party 544,420.99
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 283,838.18
Family First 218,993.20
Country Liberals (Northern Territory) 180,977.63
Katter’s Australian Party 157,743.09
Rise Up Australia Party 75,490.79
Jacqui Lambie Network 68,951.79
Liberal Democratic Party 48,494.75
Animal Justice Party 34,114.28
Australian Recreational Fishers Party 29,277.97
Glenn Lazarus Team 21,220.94
Australian Christians 20,422.25
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party 17,456.17
Bullet Train for Australia 15,509.23
Australian Liberty Alliance 15,277.98
Australian Country Party 9,155.11
Australian Sex Party 6,311.79
Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party 6,311.79
Catherine McGowan (Indi, Vic) 81,241.57
Andrew Wilkie (Denison, Tas) 76,413.07
Tony Windsor (New England, NSW) 72,333.82
Rob Oakeshott (Cowper, NSW) 70,762.48
Stephen Ruff (North Syndey, NSW) 30,745.25
Dennis Jensen (Tangney, WA) 25,836.11
James Mathison (Warringah, NSW) 25,721.64
Bradley Christensen (Lyne, NSW) 24,004.61
Jim Ball (Mackellar, NSW) 17,645.66
Daniel McCarthy (Leichhardt, Qld) 15,821.94
Kevin Foley (Riverina, NSW) 15,722.08
Stephen Mayne (Menzies, Vic) 15,214.91
David Wilks (Forde, Qld) 13,575.14
John Harvey (Hunter, NSW) 12,261.22
David Tran (Gellibrand, Vic) 11,922.23
Julie Hegarty (Mackellar, NSW) 11,706.74
Kenneth Murray (Capricornia, Qld) 11,131.25
Christine Berman (Bradfield, NSW) 10,939.41
Stephen Large (Dawson, Qld) 10,794.88
Arthur Mills (Farrer, NSW) 10,684.51
Michael McCluskey (Wannon, Vic) 10,437.50
Robert Jones (McPherson, Qld) 9,917.18
Yingiya Mark Guyula (Lingiari, NT) 4,672.02
Braedon Earley (Lingiari, NT) 4,551.13
TOTAL 60,466,642.44
Malcolm Farnsworth
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