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Posts published in “Indigenous”

Sen. Andrew Bragg (Lib-NSW) – Maiden Speech

This is the maiden speech by Senator Andrew Bragg, Liberal, New South Wales.

Listen to Bragg (23m):

Watch Bragg (27m):

Hansard transcript of maiden speech by Senator Andrew Bragg, Liberal, New South Wales.

The PRESIDENT (16:59): It is approaching 5 pm and, pursuant to order, I will now call Senator Bragg to make his first speech. I ask senators that the usual courtesies be extended to him.

Senator BRAGG (New South Wales) (16:59): Mr President, I have a confession to make. I first discovered my love of Australia in Victoria. My upbringing in regional Victoria featured football, fishing and work in orchards, a cannery and a dairy. My interest in politics arose from growing up in a world where tax, trade, foreign investment and water policies all impacted people’s lives. Later came tertiary study, work and—sometimes boring—research, which imbued the notion in me that Australia must be competitive to succeed.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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