January 1999
- Clinton Impeachment Trial: Opening Statement By Asa Hutchinson January 14, 1999
- Clinton Impeachment Trial: Opening Statement By James Rogan January 14, 1999
- Clinton Impeachment Trial: White House Counsel Greg Craig’s Statement January 20, 1999
- Clinton Impeachment Trial: Cheryl Mills Statement January 20, 1999
February 1999
March 1999
April 1999
May 1999
- Treasurer Peter Costello’s 1999 Budget Speech May 11, 1999
- Kim Beazley’s 1999 Budget Reply Speech May 13, 1999
- Senator Brian Harradine Opposes the GST May 14, 1999
- Meg Lees Responds To Brian Harradine’s Opposition To The GST May 14, 1999
June 1999
- Tim Fischer To Retire On July 20 June 30, 1999
July 1999
- John Howard’s Address to the Nation on Tax Reform July 1, 1999
- Kim Beazley Address On Taxation Reform And The GST July 8, 1999
August 1999
September 1999
- Steve Bracks Election Night Speech; Big Gains But Not There Yet September 18, 1999
- Kennett Government Mauled in Election Upset; Independents May Hold Balance Of Power; Country Voters Turn On Coalition; Majority Prefers Labor September 19, 1999
October 1999
- Paul Keating’s ALP Life Membership Speech Of Acceptance October 3, 1999
- Jeff Kennett Responds To Independents’ Decision To Support A Labor Government October 18, 1999