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Posts tagged as “concession speech”

Bill Shorten Concedes Defeat In Federal Election

The Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, has conceded defeat in the 2016 Federal Election.

Speaking at a press conference in Melbourne, Shorten said it was clear that the government would be able to form either a majority or minority government.

He said he had phoned Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to congratulate him.

Transcript of Bill Shorten’s press conference.

SHORTEN: Good afternoon everybody. It has been the longest election in 50 years. It was a long 8 week election campaign, and indeed, it seems like the 8 days since the election have been very long as well. But whilst counting has not concluded in a number of very close seats, it is clear that Mr Turnbull and his Coalition will form a government – whether or not it is a minority government or a majority government of one or two seats, it is clear they will form a government. I have spoken to Mr Turnbull early this afternoon to congratulate him and Lucy and to wish them my very best.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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