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Posts tagged as “Michael Sukkar”

Turnbull Ministry: Revised Statistical Analysis

This page provides statistical data on the revised Second Turnbull Ministry.

The 42-member executive includes 22 Cabinet ministers, 8 members of the Outer Ministry and 12 Assistant Ministers/Parliamentary Secretaries.

Ministerial changes were announced on January 18, 2017, with the relevant swearings-in taking place on January 24. Following the resignation of Sussan Ley, Greg Hunt was moved into the Health portfolio, whilst Senator Arthur Sinodinos took over Hunt’s portfolio of Industry, Innovation and Science. The Cabinet Secretary’s position reverted to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, with the Cabinet then reduced by one to 22 members.

Ken Wyatt was promoted to Minister for Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health. He became the first indigenous minister in an Australian federal government.

Michael Sukkar, the Liberal member for Deakin since 2013, became Assistant Minister to the Treasurer and the youngest (35) member of the executive.

The first table shows the ministry by party, age, sex, state and parliamentary chamber.

The second table lists each member of the executive and gives their birthdays, ages, electorates, states, date when first elected to parliament, and portfolio. The lists are ordered by age.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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