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Posts tagged as “poverty”

Growing Together: ALP Releases Policy Agenda For Tackling Inequality

The ALP has released a policy agenda for tackling inequality.

The document, Growing Together, was launched by the Shadow Minister for Families and Payments, Jenny Macklin.

Jenny Macklin releases the “Growing Together” policy

Macklin said inequality is at a 75-year high and 2.5 million Australians live below the poverty line, whilst hundreds of thousands are unemployed.

The Growing Together statement puts forward seven key pillars for tackling inequality: jobs, early childhood, life-long education, work-life balance, longevity, communities and modernising policy development and governance.

It argues that “the current social policy framework was built for, and belongs to, a different era”. The statement claims Growing Together “is an integral part of modern Labor’s policy renewal”.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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