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Posts tagged as “Senate”

Senate President Statement On Burqa Wearing

The Senate President, Stephen Parry, has made a statement explaining what happened when Senator Pauline Hanson wore a burqa into the chamber.

The incident took place on August 17. Parry explained that Hanson had not jeopardised security since she was already in a secure area of the parliament and called upon security guards to escort her to the chamber.

Parry called for a committee of the Senate to consider amendments to the Standing Orders to give the presiding officers more power to deal with such. situations

  • Watch Parry’s statement (6m)
  • Listen to Parry (6m)

Hansard transcript of statement by Senator Stephen Parry.


Parliament House: Security

Parliament House: Dress Standards

The PRESIDENT (10:01): On Thursday, 17 August, I indicated that I would reflect on matters that arose during question time that day. These reflections were prompted by Senator Hanson’s decision to wear a burqa into the Senate chamber. Wearing this garment completely concealed her identity.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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