The alliance with the United States and New Zealand is the cornerstone of Australia’s defence and foreign policies.
Whilst New Zealand no longer participates to any significant extent in ANZUS, the 50-year-old agreement was invoked by the Australian Government in 2001 in response to the terrorist attacks on the US.
ANZUS Treaty – The full text of the treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, signed on September 1, 1951 in San Francisco.
- Jan 07, 2003: Don’t Let Iraq Become Australia’s New Vietnam – extracts from a speech by Laurie Brereton, the former ALP Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, calling on the ALP to reject involvement in a possible war with Iraq.
- Sep 04, 2002: American Military Bases In Australia – an article by the Communist Party of Australia about the possible use of American bases in an attack on Iraq
- Jul 08, 2002: A Loyal Ally, But Not Unquestioning – An article by Simon Crean on the American alliance. Crean says: “Contrary to recent assertions … there is no reflex anti-American position in Labor ranks – just a clear-headed sense of our national interests. No one on the Labor side is arguing for a diminution of our alliance relationship with the US.”
- Jul 05, 2002: ‘John Curtin’s World And Ours’: Speech by Paul Keating – A critique of Australian foreign policy by the former Labor Prime Minister, Paul Keating, delivered on the 57th anniversary of Curtin’s death. Keating says: “Even if we are able to interrogate the people involved, even if we take part ourselves in the events we describe, the causes and consequences of human actions will always be wrapped in doubt and seen quite differently by different observers. Perhaps this is especially true of political actions, which play across so much broader an arena of human activity than most.”
- Mar 08, 2002: Australia And The US: Shared Interests – Speech by Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Sep 14, 2001: Howard Government Invokes ANZUS
- Sep 14, 2001: ANZUS Invoked: PM John Howard’s Press Conference
- Aug 29, 2001: Howard Speech at DFAT Launch of Book of Documents on Foreign Policy
- Jun 30, 2001: The U.S.-Australian Alliance in an East Asian Context – speeches delivered at a conference at the University of Sydney:
- Apr 11, 2001: Farewell Great & Powerful Friends – ABC Television’s final episode of “100 Years – The Australian Story” screened on April 11, 2001. Essential viewing. Read the transcript.
- May 30, 2001: 50 Years of ANZUS – Speech by John Howard
- Nov 30, 2000: Factsheet on USA – PDF document from DFAT
- May 29, 1996: Australia and the United States – A Vital Friendship – speech by Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Archived News Items
- Where We Live – Scott Morrison’s Asialink Address On Foreign Policy June 26, 2019
- Keating Warns Against Tillerson’s South China Sea Adventurism January 13, 2017
- We Cannot Be Complacent: Malcolm Turnbull On Orlando Shootings June 13, 2016
- Labor’s Foreign Policy: Tanya Plibersek Speech To Lowy Institute May 31, 2016
- Hockey Presents Credentials To Obama; Abbott Meets Kissinger January 29, 2016
- Abbott Government Commits Defence Aircraft To Coalition Airstrikes Against ISIL In Iraq October 3, 2014
- ALP Supports Military Commitment To Iraq, Greens Opposed September 14, 2014
- Combat Aircraft To Join Coalition Against ISIL; Advisers But No Combat Troops; Australia Responds To US Request September 14, 2014
- Bill Shorten: Speech To Australian-American Leadership Dialogue July 24, 2014
- Tony Abbott Reflects On His Overseas Trip; About To Depart U.S. June 14, 2014
- Tony Abbott Meets With Barack Obama At White House June 13, 2014
- Tony Abbott Visits New York Stock Exchange June 10, 2014
- Tony Abbott’s Weary Dunlop Speech To AsiaLink December 5, 2013
- Julie Bishop Sacks Steve Bracks As Consul General In New York September 10, 2013
- Gillard Releases National Security Strategy January 23, 2013
- Paul Keating’s Murdoch Oration: Asia In The New Order November 14, 2012
- Gillard Speaks To Media In Perth November 13, 2012
- Gillard Launches Asian Century White Paper October 28, 2012
- Paul Keating Speech At Launch Of ‘The China Choice’ August 6, 2012
- Tony Abbott’s Foreign Policy Speech To The Heritage Foundation July 18, 2012
- Malcolm Fraser’s Whitlam Oration June 6, 2012
- Gillard: Afghanistan Troops Will Be Brought Home During 2013-14 April 17, 2012
- Obama Gives It A Burl At Parliamentary Reception November 16, 2011
- Obama And Gillard Hold Joint Press Conference In Canberra November 16, 2011
- Obama’s Message To Australia November 16, 2011
- President Barack Obama Arrives In Canberra November 16, 2011
- Julia Gillard’s Address to the Joint Meeting of the US Congress March 10, 2011
- Julia Gillard and Barack Obama at Wakefield High March 9, 2011
- The Age Publishes WikiLeaks Cables From US Embassy December 15, 2010
- Hillary Clinton With Hamish and Andy November 8, 2010
- Hillary Clinton Speaks In Melbourne November 7, 2010
- John Key Claims Victory For New Zealand National Party November 8, 2008
- Labour Defeated In New Zealand Election; Clark Quits November 8, 2008
- Greens Welcome Obama Election November 5, 2008
- Rudd Congratulates Obama On Election Win November 5, 2008
- U.S.-Australian Relations In A New Era: Nicholas Burns December 6, 2007
- UN, USA, Asia: Three Pillars Of Labor’s Foreign Policy, Says Smith November 29, 2007
- Democrats Say Bush Failed To Provide Plans For Future Of Iraq September 13, 2007
- APEC: John Howard and George Bush Joint Press Conference September 5, 2007
- Hicks To Serve 9 Months In Australian Jail; Released After Election March 31, 2007
- War On Terror Is Battle Of Ideas: Cheney February 23, 2007
- Australia To Accept New American Military Base At Geraldton February 15, 2007
- U.S. Ambassador Hasn’t Read ANZUS Treaty February 14, 2007
- Murdoch’s New York Post Supports Howard Against Obama February 13, 2007
- Howard Attacks Obama and US Democrats February 11, 2007
- Kim Beazley Statement To The House On Iraq June 22, 2006
- John Howard Statement To The House On Iraq June 22, 2006
- Costello Decries Anti-American Sentiment Amongst Teachers August 20, 2005
- “Gutsy” Australians Want To See Things Through: Howard On FOX News April 16, 2004
- Labor And The World: Mark Latham Outlines Opposition Foreign Policy April 7, 2004
- Greens Say Schieffer Should Butt Out March 25, 2004
- ALP Attacks Government For Selling Out Australian Farmers In FTA February 9, 2004
- Farmers Lobby Group ‘Very Disappointed’ With Aspects Of FTA February 9, 2004
- People And Parliament Still In The Dark On FTA: Democrats February 9, 2004
- Agreement Reached On Australia-USA Free Trade Agreement February 9, 2004
- Howard Defends Free Trade Agreement With U.S. February 9, 2004
- President Bush Addresses Australian Parliament; Greens Ejected October 23, 2003
- Howard Welcomes Bush To Australian Parliament October 23, 2003
- Paul Keating On China, The USA And Australia October 15, 2003
- Howard Lauds “Rich Historical Relationship” With United States September 2, 2003
- Minor Parties Oppose US Free Trade Agreement May 5, 2003
- No Grounds For Terminating Governor-General: Howard May 4, 2003
- Howard ‘A Man Of Steel’ Says Bush May 3, 2003
- America Deeply Grateful For Australian Contribution Says Bush May 3, 2003
- Howard In USA; Fields Questions On Hollingworth May 2, 2003
- John Howard’s Address To Parliament On Iraq February 4, 2003
- Don’t Let Iraq Become Australia’s New Vietnam: Brereton January 7, 2003
- Text of Joint Resolution On Iraq Passed By The U.S. Congress October 11, 2002
- American Military Bases In Australia – A Communist Party View September 4, 2002
- A Loyal Ally, But Not Unquestioning: Simon Crean July 8, 2002
- Paul Keating: John Curtin’s World And Ours July 5, 2002
- Downer Responds To Bush’s Statement On The Middle East June 25, 2002
- Government Gives In-Principle Support to US First-Strike Policy June 18, 2002
- Howard Meets With Bush: Mutual Friendship Asserted Yet Again June 13, 2002
- Howard Addresses Joint Meeting of US Congress June 12, 2002
- Trade Issues On Agenda For Howard’s American Visit June 8, 2002
- Howard To Visit U.S. For I.D.U. Forum June 2, 2002
- John Howard Addresses Liberal Party Federal Council; Emphasises Defence And Terror Issues April 14, 2002
- Australia And The US – Shared Interests: Speech By Alexander Downer March 8, 2002
- John Howard’s New York Press Conference January 30, 2002
- Australian Troops Deployed To Afghanistan October 17, 2001
- Howard Government Invokes ANZUS Treaty September 14, 2001
- U.S. Attacks: Government Invokes ANZUS Treaty September 14, 2001
- TERRORIST ATTACKS ON USA September 11, 2001
- Howard Launches DFAT Book Of Documents On Australian Foreign Policy August 29, 2001
- Beazley: The US-Australian Alliance In An East Asian Context June 30, 2001
- American Ambassador Comments On The ANZUS Alliance June 30, 2001
- The U.S.-Australian Alliance in an East Asian Context: Speech By Peter Reith June 30, 2001
- U.S. State Department Perspective On The Australian Alliance June 29, 2001
- 50 Years Of ANZUS – John Howard Speech May 30, 2001
- U.S.A. Factsheet – DFAT November 30, 2000
- Peacock Returning From USA November 18, 1999
- President Bill Clinton Addresses Joint Session Of Australian Parliament November 20, 1996
- Australia And The USA – A Vital Friendship: Speech By Alexander Downer May 29, 1996
- Arthur Calwell Responds To The Menzies Government’s Military Commitment To South Vietnam May 4, 1965
- Sir Robert Menzies Announces Military Commitment To South Vietnam April 29, 1965
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower Outlines The Domino Theory April 7, 1954
- ANZUS Treaty – Full Text September 1, 1951