William Jefferson Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States. A Democrat, he won the presidential elections of 1992 and 1996.
Clinton was the second president to be impeached by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate.
- Brief overview of Clinton’s political career
- Impeachment & Trial – special section with a large amount of material on the impeachment
- A *Very* Brief Introduction to the Clinton Impeachment
- Jan 10, 2001: Eight Years – 110-page booklet with the official view of Clinton’s presidential achievements
- Mar 26, 1997: Clinton’s Cabinet 1996-97 – tables showing the main change of personnel from the first to second term
Clinton Speeches
Inaugural Addresses
- 1993: First Inaugural Address
- 1993: On the Pulse of Morning – Maya Angelou’s Inaugural Poem
- 1997: Second Inaugural Address
- 1997: Of History and Hope – Miller Williams’ Inaugural Poem
State of the Union Addresses
- 1995: 2nd State of the Union Address
- 1996: 3rd State of the Union Address
- 1997: 4th State of the Union Address
- 1998: 5th State of the Union Address
- 1999: 6th State of the Union Address
Other Speeches
- Nov 05, 1996: 1996 Election Night Victory Speech
- Aug 28, 1998: 35th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech
- Jun 10, 1999: Speech on End of the War in Kosovo
- Aug 14, 2000: Speech to the Democratic Party National Convention in Los Angeles
- Aug 14, 2000: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Speech to the Democratic Party National Convention in Los Angeles
- Jan 20, 2001: Farewell Remarks Following the Inauguration of George W. Bush
- Dec 14, 2001: The Struggle For The Soul Of The 21st Century
Archived Items
- Co-Operation: Bill Clinton’s Speech At The Launch Of Torrens University Australia July 24, 2014
- Bill Clinton’s Address To 20th International AIDS Conference In Melbourne July 23, 2014
- ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas: President Bill Clinton December 24, 2012
- Bill Clinton Address To The Democratic Party Convention September 5, 2012
- Words Matter: Bill Clinton January 10, 2011
- Bill Clinton Returns to the White House December 11, 2010
- President Bill Clinton – An Overview March 25, 2006
- Independent Counsel Robert Ray’s Final Report March 6, 2002
- Bill Clinton: The Struggle for the Soul of the 21st Century December 14, 2001
- Former President Clinton’s Farewell Remarks January 20, 2001
- Clinton Pardons McDougal In Final Act As President January 20, 2001
- Correspondence and Agreed Order in the Settlement of Clinton’s Case January 19, 2001
- Statement From Special Prosecutor Robert Ray On President Clinton January 19, 2001
- Clinton’s Law Licence Suspended For Five Years January 19, 2001
- Clinton Makes Deal To Avoid Indictment On Last Day In Office January 19, 2001
- Farewell Address: Clinton Prepares To Leave The White House January 18, 2001
- President Clinton: Eight Years Of Peace, Progress And Prosperity January 10, 2001
- Presidential Election Results 1964-2000 November 19, 2000
- Clinton Defends Economic Record, Touts Gore’s Qualifications August 15, 2000
- President Clinton’s Speech to the Democratic Party National Convention August 14, 2000
- Hillary Clinton’s Speech to 2000 Democratic Party National Convention August 14, 2000
- Democratic Party Convention Set To Begin In Los Angeles August 13, 2000
- Clinton Attacks Congress In Final State Of The Union Address January 28, 2000
- Clinton Announces The End Of The War In Kosovo June 10, 1999
- State Of The Union Address 1999 – President Bill Clinton January 19, 1999
- Clinton Facing Impeachment By U.S. House of Representatives December 16, 1998
- Clinton Announces Operation Desert Fox – Impeachment Debate Delayed December 16, 1998
- The Paula Jones-Bill Clinton Settlement November 13, 1998
- President Clinton’s Speech On The 35th Anniversary Of King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech August 28, 1998
- Judge Susan Webber Wright Throws Out Paula Jones Law Suit April 1, 1998
- State Of The Union Address 1998 – President Bill Clinton January 27, 1998
- President Clinton’s Deposition in the Paula Jones Case January 17, 1998
- President Clinton’s Cabinet 1996-97 March 26, 1997
- State Of The Union Address 1997 – President Bill Clinton February 4, 1997
- Miller Williams’ Inaugural Poem – 1997 January 20, 1997
- Second Inaugural Address: President Bill Clinton January 20, 1997
- President Bill Clinton Addresses Joint Session Of Australian Parliament November 20, 1996
- Comparison Statistics Of 1992 And 1996 Clinton Election Victories November 19, 1996
- 1996 Presidential Prognosis And Results November 15, 1996
- Bill Clinton’s 1996 Election Victory Speech November 5, 1996
- Senate Whitewater Committee Report Released June 17, 1996
- State Of The Union Address 1996 – President Bill Clinton January 23, 1996
- President Clinton’s Address To The Nixon Centre March 1, 1995
- President Bill Clinton’s 1995 State Of The Union Address January 24, 1995
- On The Pulse Of Morning: Maya Angelou’s Inaugural Poem January 20, 1993
- First Inaugural Speech: President Bill Clinton January 20, 1993
- Presidential Election Results 1984-1992 November 19, 1992